Shower/Bath & Massage Facts & Benefits!

Many people feel a shower or bath after a massage is actually a healthy and normal thing to do. When in fact, it is quite the opposite. Whether you receive an oil massage, aromatherapy, or reflexology, the answer is to not shower before a massage or after. Leave a few hours buffer period before doing so. When in the shower or a bath, the surface of the skin has increased blood circulation, which after a massage can lead to surface congestion. What this means is that the body can be susceptible to feeling faint after this. 
Not only is a shower/bath before and after a massage an issue, but the same problem can occur after a cupping therapy session. After cupping, the skin is in a state of healing, making it more sensitive and fragile.
Taking a shower or bath at this time can potentially lead to skin damage or inflammation. Know the fundamental wellness facts and benefits only at Truessence Wellness & Spa!
For bookings and inquiries, please contact 0738031516 or visit our spa today.


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