Placenta/Collagen Facial Treatment

Placenta/Collagen Facial Treatment 

As we grow older, the collagen, naturally present in our skin begins to breakdown, forming fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen's purpose on our skin is to keep it elastic- making it appear tighter and fuller.
Our Placenta/Collagen Facial Treatment helps skin of the face taut and supple, improving its elasticity. This effectively decreases the wrinkles on the face, as well as eliminates subtler signs of aging. Combined with our exfoliating and cleansing products, regular Placenta/Collagen Facial is proven to retard skin's aging process, effectively making women and men alike look younger and more vibrant.
Defy the signs of ageing and stay young! Try this wonderful facial treatment Truessence Wellness & Spa and experience the difference!

For bookings and inquiries, contact us at 0738031516 or visit our spa at PJ Plaza Building, Links Road, Nyali.


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